- Duration: 4 months
- Language: C++
- Key words: 3D, Networking, OBJ Model Parsing
- Engine: Custom Engine
- Time: June 2023 - Decemeber 2023
Vaporum, designed in my C++ game engine, mirrors the 3D format of Military Madness. This game initiates with players positioned at opposite sides of the map, equipped with a set number of tanks. They navigate a hexagonal map in a turn-based manner, aiming to defeat the opposing team. The game features five unique tank varieties, each with distinct attributes and skills. Vaporum offers both shared screen and LAN connectivity options for gameplay.
Key features
- Hex Map Grid
- TCP Network with peer-to-peer sync
- Tank Variabtion in model and gameplay
- Distance Field pathfinding
- Screen to world mapping (mouse clicking on 3D Grid)