Custom Engine

This engine is developed over the course of two years through my learning times in SMU Guildhall guided by Squirrel Esierloh and Matt Butler.

Key features

  1. C++ for windows games
  2. Input: using WindowsMessage and XInput, I/O with std::filesystem
  3. Rendering
    • DirectX11
    • OpengGL
    • 2D and 3D
  4. Assets Loading
    • stb_imgage for picture files
    • 3D obj model files loaded with custom OBJ loader
    • using freetype and sign-distance-field for font loading and rendering
  5. Physics
    • 2D physics supports overlap detection, pushing out, and raycast vs each one of them
      • Disc
      • AABB
      • OBB
      • Line
      • Capsule
      • Plane
      • ConvexPoly
      • ConvexHull
    • 3D physics support raycast vs Cylinder
  6. Multi-threading: using JobSystem to dispatch jobs for threads to work on, and later on be collected by main thread; Optimize art asset loading with multi-threading
  7. DevConsole: out-of-box dev console using EventSystem to trigger commands
  8. Tweening System: out-of-box keyframe animation editor that enables tweening motion edits, and save/load to disk

Keyframe animation editor

Keyframe editor