About Me

Hi I am Yiming Pan :wave:,

I am Yiming Pan, a gameplay and UI programmer currently pursuing a Masters of Interactive Technology at SMU Guildhall with a focus on Software Development. My passion lies in collaborating with talented individuals to create unique and polished games. I thrive on designing architecture systems for specific and innovative gameplay mechanics, blending different genres to create captivating experiences. Additionally, I have a strong interest in developing versatile and user-friendly UI systems that cater to various game genres.

Outside of game development, I enjoy engaging in sports like tennis, ping-pong, and badminton. I also have a fondness for camping, gardening, and nurturing my love for animals. In my free time, you can find me immersed in fictional worlds, both as a reader and writer. I find joy in crafting compelling stories and have contemplated incorporating my storytelling skills into my game development projects.

With a solid foundation in gameplay and UI programming, I am driven to achieve new milestones in my career. As I continue to grow, I aspire to work on projects that challenge me and allow me to specialize in specific aspects of gameplay or UI programming. I am always eager to learn and contribute to the game development industry.

MIT (Master of Interactive Technology) student, SMU Guildhall

2022 — present

Programming Track

Computer Science and Creative Computing (Bachelor), Southern Methodist University

2018 — 2022

Computer Graphics, Machine Learning, Operating System, Project Management, Data structure, Algorithm, Database, Programming Languages